How to get your health back on track for 2021!

First thing you need to know true healing has to be with the mind, body & spirit.

One thing that I will be doing  this  year is to achieve my  health goals. Our health is one area that we most times put on the back burner unless something drastic happens. This year will be different.

Getting our health on track shouldn't be hard. There are a few steps that we should take to start our journey for a healthier life.

First thing we have to do is condition our minds about the importance of our goals. Remember "health is wealth" we need to  stay healthy in order to survive ,  It's all mind over matter ,with determination & consistency.

Living a healthy lifestyle comes with changes, in order to transit from one lifestyle to another we need to change the type of foods we eat.

We need to make sure we are consuming alkaline plant base foods and get rid of mucus forming foods. We should be drinking at least 1 gallon of water each day, add more fruits & green vegetables to our diet. We can also  practice to  make  our own natural juices, instead of buying the  ones that are  packed with preservatives.

We need to add seamoss, hempseed, nuts ( walnut, brazilnuts) etc. these are important to our diet.

The next step is cleansing our colon. We need to do a colon cleanse before  we are anywhere close to becoming healthy or healed from any form of  sickness or disease. Cleansing our colon  is very  important, our body won't  be able to absorb nutrients from the healthy foods we eat unless our colon is clean.

Once the colon is clean, we need to keep up with our  healthy eating. detoxing & fasting is an apart of our lifestyle.

There are daily things we should be doing especially us Queens to ensure we are taking proper care of our temples more so our reproductive organs.

For 2021 I want us to go in full force for our health.  Queens it's time for us to get serious about our health, we are royalties so let's treat ourselves that way.

Exercise is just as  important as the foods we consume, getting a full body workout at least 3 times, a week will do wonders.

Let's make this year our best year for our mind, body & soul, Let's get healthy.

Deep Rejuvenating Herbals is here to help. It is time we start living the life that God meant for us, a life free of illness & pain.